Saturday, 4 May 2013

Dark Flight Home And Other Tales - Alexander J. Mitchell

Dark Flight Home And Other Tales
Alexander J. Mitchell

Tales of the dark and of the light, to a fusion in dark-light.
Of worlds within worlds, from here to faraway fantastic realms.
Tales of strange beasts and wondrous creatures, known and unknown.
Discover the Ellephaunts, the Dragonwolves, the Dolphins and the Phoenixes;
Of dark-light journeys to beyond, of re-union and eternal love – Home is in the heart.

Copyright: Alexander J. Mitchell 2011

For my Petra

I gave you my heart to keep forever,
In your heart ever shining so brightly.
I adore you, love of my life and beyond;
I believe in you, for I see you from within.

In the dark, in the light, and perfectly merged;
You are my air, my earth, my water and my fire.
For you are my starshine mate, oh my truest love;
Forevermore and evermore, you're my everything.



1. Ellephearts - The Tale Of The Ellephaunts
2. Dark Flight Home
3. Dream-field Of Dark Green
4. Entwined Serpentine Hearts
5. Forest Of Endless Night
6. Twilight Navigators Of The Heart
7. Evergreen Path
8. Into The Deepest Blue
9. Midnight Forest Of Winters Night - A Tale Of Evermore
10. The Tale Of The Alpha Phoenicis
11. Dance Of The Tiszaflowers
12. Song Of The Flower Lovebirds

~knight~ ilu8 my ~sage~

Extra-especial credit:

For my darling, dearest Petra, you are the bestest thing to ever happen to me and always I will believe this. I love you so much and I totally adore you, my lil goddess! You are my bestest friend, my love, my greatest inspiration in life and my partner for everything! I was truly able to write "Dark Flight Home" because of you! Particularly with you giving me your ideas for "Dance of the Tiszaflowers" and "Song of the Flower Lovebirds." My second book, in a way, is a companion to my first book of poems entitled: "Dark Light Poetry." You guided me, encouraged me, gave me all your support and your everything! Thank you ever so much always for all the wonderfully beautiful things that you inspire and create for me. I am ever so incredibly thankful and appreciative beyond words...

Thank you ever so much for always being there for me, guiding me, and growing our love evergreen; for showing me what is and how to love; for all that you have done and are still doing for me. In the dark, in the light, and perfectly merged; I see you from my soul, from my inner heart that I opened for you, I gave you my heart and it is yours to keep forever... I love you ever so much forevermore and evermore, you are beyond beautiful, my starshine mate; my love, my truest love of my life and beyond... you're my everything, my Petra.
Always yours,
Alex xxxxxxxx

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